Thank you for a great Wednesday afternoon! I hope that your projects proceed according to schedule and that you appreciate your stay in Sweden, in spite of the rain. 😉

I still don’t know if I can attend your presentations in August, but feel free to send me your PowerPoint and poster drafts for feedback. Below are some links and references which you can find useful (and perhaps entertaining).


PS 1: I’ve also compiled a Spotify list with some great Scandinavian music:
Scandinavian mix

PS 2 If you have a special interest for research communication, I suggest that we share contact information via LinkedIn. I plan to write some guides for young scientists and would like to form a loose international network for ideas, input and critique.


My slides


About presentations

• Death by PowerPoint – and how to fight it
A slideshow by Alexei Kapterev från Moskva.

• Life After Death by PowerPoint
PowerPoint as stand-up comedy by Don McMillan.

How to give a successful oral presentation
Interesting reflections on the attention pattern during a lecture.

Excellent speakers

Research posters

